To choose the right technique is not always an easy task. Here you can find some information about the techniques available for portrait making and their advantages and disadvantages.

Dry pastel – full color or black & white

As a technique dry pastels are recognized for their live colors and velvet softness. These features make the technique extremely suitable for depicting fine details. The pastels are characterized with precise mixing of high quality pigments, limestone and kaolin.
They are also available in the form of pencils which facilitates achieving precise elaboration upon painting the portrait.
The framing of paintings made with dry pastels requires placing of frame with paper picture mount and protective glass covering. Anti-reflection glass is recommended as it does not reflect the gleams of light and allows for more freedom in home decorations with paintings.
Their deep colors, soft structure, exquisite immediacy, as well as the relatively short time of application, make them extremely suitable for portraits.